The Little Angels of New York

I’m currently in the middle seat on a Delta flight with a stolen blanket on my shoulders returning home from NYC. I have twelve percent battery so we will see how far this goes. Its September 22nd and I have taken my first trip of my Gap Year. To shortly reflect, it was incredible. Now I say that because I was accompanied by one of my bestest friends Gabe (Hi Gabe.) We went to so many Broadway shows and I spent so much money I dont have, although it was worth it because my love for the big city is enough to keep me motivated to push through. I want the power to push through the self doubt I have inside, I cried as the ensemble members of Hadestown bowed because I could see their love for the arts in their eyes. How can something give me so much joy and so much pain at the same time? I’m searching for a comfortable medium to survive my future. All the stories of this trip that I would usually tell a friend, I’ll tell them here because I’m thankful that my life gives me so many little angels. All these humans who made me smile on this trip is another helping hand pulling me out of the funk I’ve been in since May. 

The Server: Sorry in advance mom and dad, this is the type of story you don't want to know, but to my friends, this is a good one. On the first night of the trip my friends and I went to Serendipity 3 to get deserts. Lets just say the Server we got was,,,, well,,,,, very attractive. I ordered a peppermint tea and some fondue because at 11pm after waking up at 4:30am that morning, it just made sense. I kept thinking I was getting the “eyes” from this server but to be honest I never know. I felt like I got my validation when I got my bill and he didn't charge me for my tea. Coincidence? I think not. I felt BOLD and left my instagram and a little heart. Yes it may be ugly but at midnight laughing with friends in the one and only New York City, it was everything. I waltzed out of the restaturnt never to see him again. Although I haven't seen him, I did hear from him. His opening DM was “Do you leave your instagram for all Servers or only the attractive ones?” 

The Bagel Man: On a busy Sunday morning in Brooklyn it seems like the go to breakfast meal is well, bagels. I went to a local bagel shop with Gabe to get my favorite Onion Bagel with veggie cream cheese. YUM. I was a little bit overwhelmed because the restaurant was so small and so crowded. I misread the signs and skipped the place to “order” and I walked straight to the “check out.” The cashier wasn't rude but she definitely wasn't “Minnesota nice” as she let me know the mistake I had made. I walked back to the “order” sign and told a man my story asking if I could nicely budge, he just stared at me blankly until a nice older man with round black glasses told me I could stand in front of him. I was very grateful and as we continued chatting we came ot the conclusion that we were both from Minnesota. He lives in St. Cloud and I live in Minneapolis. We talked about NYC and my dreams to be on stage. I told him about my upcoming work and he told me he wouldn't miss it. When I got back to my bff...the cashier (kidding) I quickly realized that this establishment does not accept card, only cash. Of course I didn't have more than $5 on me so I told her I would quickly find my friend and come right back with the money. The nice man said “no way this one is on me” and paid for my breakfast. I’m so thankful, although it doesn't seem like something major I was so uncomfortable in those moments and he made me feel valid and calm. I reflected and I’m so so in love with the Minnesota Nice of the world. 

The wet wipe: In the rush of making our subway train I softly grabbed Gabe’s backpack so I wouldn't lose him, much to my surprise he had cream cheese from our bagels all over the backpack and it got all over my hands. It was funny, but mid laughter I realized I had dirty hands and I was standing hands free on the subway. There was a moment of panic until this kind man with a hat gave me his wet wipes. He tapped me on the shoulder and pulled them out for me and gestured that I take one. It seemed like he didn't speak much English, but thats not important when you have the universal body language of a smile. It was a little gesture but I was thankful and felt taken care of. 

The Stolen Blanket: We all know that airports are cold, well not just airports. I mean primarily airplanes. It feels like it’s always Winter on Delta. I’m tired and happy and I love walking onto a plane. As Gabe and I were heading to our seats there was a major hold up on first class, we stood there and it feels like the whole flight could here me shivering. After little laughter I whispered to Gabe and said “you gotta blanket?” I knew he didn't but for some reason we thought we were funny. The line was finally moving again until a man stopped me and handed me his complementary blanket he gets by sitting in first class. He didn't have a sweatshirt on and I knew that if he gave me his blanket he would be well, cold (winter duh.) I said “omg no!! But thank you!” and he said “no no please have it I won’t use it.” Hahahah how could I fight thattttt, so thank you sir because now I am writing this warm and very comfortable on this flight. To address the “stolen” part, I guess it wasn't techginaly stolen. It was gifted. I got you all hooked though, didn't I?

So thank you to all my little angles who made my trip one to remember.